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Be Active

Types of Physical Activity in Children

Children need plenty of physical activity, but not all exercises are safe for young children. This document details the three types of beneficial activity for children.

Be Active Eat Healthy Teach Healthy Habits

Consejos útiles y recursos National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute

Consejos e información práctica para mantener un peso saludable

Be Active Teach Healthy Habits

Pasar menos tiempo frente a la pantalla National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute

Ayudar a sus niños a ser más activos y pasar menos tiempo frente a la pantalla

Be Active Eat Healthy Teach Healthy Habits

Grow It, Try It, Like It! Fun with Fruits and Vegetables at Family Child Care USDA

Garden-themed activities for children ages 3-5.

Be Active Eat Healthy Teach Healthy Habits

the Y: Healthy Family Home YMCA

Tools and information resources to help create a healthy home.

Be Active

4-H Recreation Games & Activities North Dakota 4-H

Fun games to get you up and moving.

Be Active

Fitness Circuit Course Action for Healthy Kids

Circuit course filled with fun obstacles to challenge your skills and get your heart pumping.

Be Active

Fun Fitness Activities for Kids Canadian AHPERD

Group activities broken up by grade level.

Be Active

Indoor Physical Activities for Kids University of Rochester Medical Center

These activities are great for keeping you moving when you're stuck inside.

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