Why employee wellness?

Our workplaces have significant impact on our lives, and many employees want help making healthy habits their routine. Companies with Employee Wellness Programs see measurable benefits:

  • Reduced absenteeism. Employees miss work when they or someone they care for is sick. Illnesses, hospital stays, and doctor appointments steal hours from the office, but healthy employees with healthy families have fewer unplanned absences. Studies find that wellness programs can help reduce absenteeism by 25%.
  • Increased productivity. A recent study revealed that employees who ate recommended amounts of fruits and vegetables at least four days per week were 20% more likely to be productive at the office. Physical activity has also been linked to improved concentration, better memory recall, faster learning, enhanced creativity and reduced stress—all of which lead to better job performance.
  • Improved retention, recruiting. Healthy employees are happy employees. People who are less stressed and highly productive at work generally report greater job satisfaction than those with more stress and lower performance reviews. Moreover, studies indicate that 75% of employees want their employer to offer health and wellness incentives. 
  • Better bottom line. The Indiana State Department of Health states that preventable illness makes up 90% of all health care costs. Companies with Employee Wellness Programs have seen an average of $3 reduction in health care costs plus $5 reduction in costs associated with absenteeism for every $1 spent on employee wellness. 

9 IHIE employees gather before canal walk together

Now is a great time to begin or expand your employee wellness program. We can help. We've created a series of guides to help you learn more about employee wellness—complete with policies and activities you can implement today. Get the guides.