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Assess Programs Be Active Eat Healthy Teach Healthy Habits

Time Well Spent Anthem

Toolkit focused on building a healthy, productive workforce. Includes strategic planning, communication tools/webinars, and employee education resources on prevention, living well, and eating healthy.

Assess Programs Be Active

Recess Lab/Recess Checkup Playworks

Website dedicated to resources for active playground time. Includes a 3-minute quiz to assess strengths and opportunities and get free consultation with play expert.

Assess Programs Be Active Eat Healthy Teach Healthy Habits

Jump IN Employer Assessment Jump IN for Healthy Kids

Brief 8-question assessment helps employers evaluate progress towards best practices in workplace wellness. Includes links to helpful resources to establish action plans when needed.

Assess Programs Be Active Eat Healthy

School Wellness Committee Toolkit Alliance for a Healthier Generation

Toolkit describes goals and responsibilities of school wellness committee, who should be involved, how to overcome common challenges, and more

Assess Programs Be Active Eat Healthy Teach Healthy Habits

School Wellness Letter to Parents (English) U.S. Department of Agriculture

Sample letter/flyer explains school wellness and why it is important, recruits parents for committee, directs them to complete school wellness policy.

Assess Programs Be Active Eat Healthy Teach Healthy Habits

3 Steps to a Healthy Workplace Jump IN for Healthy Kids

Employee wellness overview describes how and why to increase healthy eating and physical activity at the workplace and how to promote healthy habits that employees can take home to their families.

Assess Programs Eat Healthy Teach Healthy Habits

4 Strategies to Increase Healthy Eating in the Workplace Jump IN for Healthy Kids

Get sample menus, tips for working with caterers, and other ideas for replacing unhealthy meals and snacks with more meaningful rewards. Great guide for your Employee Wellness Program.

Assess Programs Be Active Teach Healthy Habits

5 Simple Steps to Increase Physical Activity at Work Jump IN for Healthy Kids

Get in-depth tips and resources to encourage physical activity at the workplace, including fitness areas, active meetings, walking, use of stairs and more. Guide for your Employee Wellness Program.

Assess Programs Be Active Eat Healthy Teach Healthy Habits

5 Ways to Promote Healthy Habits to Employees and their Families Jump IN for Healthy Kids

Learn how to create a comprehensive communications plan to share wellness resources with employees and their families. Great resource for your Employee Wellness Program.

Assess Programs Be Active Eat Healthy Teach Healthy Habits

OSNAP Guide for Writing After-School Wellness Policies Harvard School of Public Health

Includes recommended program goals, sample language for parent handbooks, staff handbooks and training, and letters to parents. Easily modified to fit child care, schools, youth orgs.

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