Partners  inform and help deliver effective strategies

The factors that have led to the childhood obesity epidemic are varied and complex. More than 100 subject matter experts and stakeholders from 84 businesses, nonprofits, and community organizations have worked with Jump IN staff since 2014 to develop and deliver strategies that address these factors. Together we are creating better health outcomes for children.

Jump IN for Healthy Kids Early Task Forces

As Jump IN was first launching, it created Nutrition and Physical Activity Task Forces. With a focus on (a) helping children and their families access and eat healthier foods and (b) creating opportunities for kids to be physically active, these two task forces developed and prioritized a comprehensive set of strategies for schools, child care providers, employers and others to promote good nutrition and physical activity. Although both task forces completed their formal work in 2015, members of each continue to support Jump IN’s implementation efforts in multiple ways.

Current Strategy Teams:

Early Childhood Education - Developing and implementing strategies to integrate healthy best practices into Indiana's early childhood systems, following the CDC's Spectrum of Opportunities.

Schools - Helping school districts establish wellness policies, practices, and oversight integration for sustainbility with technical expertise and assistance, framed around the CDC's Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child (WSCC) education model.  

Food - Jump IN helped establish the Food Advisory Commission (FAC), a stakeholder group that coordinates food insecurity response, healthy food access (retail), and food economoy (growers and supply chain) to communicate, problem-solve, and ensure that all Indianapolis residents have access to nutritious food that supports optimal health. 

Clinician Engagement - Creating continuing education programs and tools/resources to help health professionals across many disciplines appropriately discuss healthy weight and lifestyle issues with children and their families.

Data and Analytics - Measuring ongoing progress for best results and accountability.

Public Policy - Advocating at the local, state and federal levels for policy changes that will lead to healthier communities.

Schools play a critical role in addressing childhood obesity, because they reach so many children on a consistent basis. Find out more about what schools can do—and how health affects academics.