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Be Active Eat Healthy Teach Healthy Habits

the Y: Healthy Family Home YMCA

Tools and information resources to help create a healthy home.

Be Active

Indoor Physical Activities for Kids University of Rochester Medical Center

These activities are great for keeping you moving when you're stuck inside.

Be Active Eat Healthy Teach Healthy Habits

ABCs of a Healthy Me Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and Nemours

Handout describes 5 simple ways to promote health and wellness for infants, toddlers, and preschoolers.

Assess Programs Be Active

Recess Lab/Recess Checkup Playworks

Website dedicated to resources for active playground time. Includes a 3-minute quiz to assess strengths and opportunities and get free consultation with play expert.

Be Active Eat Healthy Partner Links

Healthy Non-Food Rewards Tip Sheet Action for Healthy Kids

This 2-sided single page handout features extensive lists of reward ideas for elementary, middle school, and high school students as well as ideas for PTO/PTA rewards.

Teach Healthy Habits

How did we get here? What can we do? Jump IN for Healthy Kids

One-page fact sheet provides data on obesity prevalence and consequences as well as practical approaches multiple sectors can take to reduce childhood obesity.

Be Active Eat Healthy Teach Healthy Habits

Nutrition and Physical Activity Fair Planning Guide Texas A&M AgriLife Extension

Toolkit for planning and organizing a community wide wellness event, includes job descriptions, supply lists, publicity ideas, activity ideas, and evalutions.

Be Active Teach Healthy Habits

Organize a Fitness Event Martin Luther King, Jr. Day of Service, Corporation for National & Community Service

Brief toolkit outlines process of planning a community wide fitness event, including how to engage kids, raise funds, and spread the word.

Be Active Eat Healthy Teach Healthy Habits

Want Your Kids to Be Healthier at School? Raise Your Hand American Heart Association, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, Voices for Healthy Kids

2-sided, single page fact sheet for parents and community, highlighting links between health and academic achievement

Be Active Eat Healthy Teach Healthy Habits

Want Your Kids to Be Healthier at School? Raise Your Hand (Spanish) American Heart Association, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, Voices for Healthy Kids

Spanish language version of 2-sided single page fact sheet highlighting links between health and academic achievement

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