Our vision is to make central Indiana a community where the healthy choice is the easy choice. A community where more kids and their families lead active and healthy lives. You can help us make this vision a reality.
Take the Pledge
When families, schools, child care providers, youth organizations, employers and faith groups take the pledge they are “making the leap” to a healthier future. They are promising to do their part to create real opportunities for children and families to make healthy choices in a healthy environment.
Take the pledge now
Become a Champion
We’ve developed a list of five simple steps to help you get started and stay on the path to better health. Our website includes links to resources that can help you keep things moving in the right direction. We’ll also be sending you a regular newsletter highlighting innovative ideas, sharing new resources and celebrating your successes. We want to help you build a strong foundation and inspire others to take these same healthy steps.
Get started now
Share your Success
Great habits start with great role models! When you have completed some or all of the steps, let us know! We want to hear how you’re inspiring others to make healthy choices and develop healthy habits. We’ll share these stories and together we’ll improve the health of children of Central Indiana.
Share your story