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Be Active Eat Healthy Partner Links

Healthy Non-Food Rewards Tip Sheet Action for Healthy Kids

This 2-sided single page handout features extensive lists of reward ideas for elementary, middle school, and high school students as well as ideas for PTO/PTA rewards.

Partner Links

Live Healthy Indiana Challenge Live Healthy Indiana

Pilot the concept of Employee Wellness Program by participating in 6-week challenge promoting healthy eating and physical activity. Participants earn points and track them online. Fee to participate.

Eat Healthy Partner Links Teach Healthy Habits

Purdue Extension Nutrition Education Program Purdue Extension

Purdue Extension Nutrition Education Program works to improve nutrition and health of those with limited resources. Provides free nutrition education to schools and community groups, plus more.

Partner Links

Wellness Lives Here American Diabetes Association

Educate and motivate employees to adopt healthy habits and reduce the impact of type 2 diabetes and other obesity-related illnesses.

Partner Links

Workplace Health Solutions American Heart Association

Get resources to support implementation of a cardiovascular wellness program that includes a 5- step process of assessment, implementation, recognition, and review.

Partner Links

Energy Krazed Energy Krazed

Energy Krazed is a non-profit organization that offers personalized coaching to help families make healthy lifestyle changes at home.

Eat Healthy Be Active Partner Links Teach Healthy Habits

Out of School Time Tools Harvard School of Public Health Prevention Research Center

Out-of-school programs will find resources and curricula for healthy eating and physical activity.

Eat Healthy Be Active Partner Links

Fuel Up to Play 60 Fuel Up to Play 60

Students, parents and community partners support this in-school program for physical activity and nutrition.

Be Active Partner Links

ISRTS Partnership Health by Design

Connect with partners helping Indiana students enjoy active commuting to school.

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