Measuring results to continually improve our efforts.

We are instituting proven best practices and pursuing innovative, promising initiatives. Yet in all instances, we must continually evaluate those efforts and outcomes with evidence-based rigor and objectivity.

Each strategy implemented by Jump IN has or will have a defined set of metrics, measuring short term, intermediate and long term outcomes as appropriate. Those measures will be reported in accessible dashboards or compilations to permit an assessment of the effectiveness and sustainability of those efforts. In this way we will be transparent and accountable to all of the stakeholders who are engaged in this effort with us.

Focused on Long Term Progress

Based on the experience of other communities, we know that it could take years to show meaningful progress on reducing the overall obesity prevalence rate. At the same time, we know that we can set and achieve shorter term benchmarks to gauge our progress toward that overall goal.

Jump IN collaborates with community partners to address data gaps that limit our ability to undertake this analysis. Through projects such as the implementation of FitnessGram in all public schools, and the extraction of pediatric biometrics from primary care practice group electronic medical records, Jump IN seeks to enhance the data available for this evaluation and analysis.

Learn more about our evaluation and metrics:

We can’t move the needle to reduce childhood obesity in central Indiana by simply launching programs and standing back passively. We are committed to ongoing evaluation of our efforts, listening to constructive feedback on which efforts are working and which are not, and instituting changes to our ever-evolving strategies as appropriate.


Public Awareness: 5-2-1-0

5-2-1-0 is a nationally-recognized education campaign that provides an easy answer to the question: What is a healthy choice? Learn more

5-2-1-0 healthy choice education campaign